Узнайте, когда наступит Исламский Новый Год в 2024 году. В этой статье мы опишем историю этого праздника и подробно расскажем, какое число будет соответствовать началу нового года по лунному календарю. Узнайте больше о традициях, праздновании и значении Исламского Нового Года.

The Islamic New Year, also known as Hijri New Year or Arabic New Year, is an important event for Muslims around the world. This year, Islamic New Year 1444 Hijri will be celebrated on August 20, 2024.

The Islamic New Year marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar, which is lunar-based and consists of 12 months. The first month of the Islamic calendar is known as Muharram, which means «forbidden.» During this month, Muslims are encouraged to engage in prayer, fasting, and charitable acts, as they reflect on the events of Muharram and its significance in Islamic history.

While the Islamic New Year is not as widely celebrated as Eid al-Fitr or Eid al-Adha, it is still an important occasion for Muslims to reflect on their past deeds and set goals for the upcoming year. It is a time for prayer, introspection, and seeking forgiveness from Allah.

The upcoming Islamic New Year in 2024 offers an opportunity for Muslims around the world to renew their commitment to their faith and to strive for a better future. Let us celebrate this occasion with joy and gratitude, and may Allah guide us on the right path.

Date of the Upcoming Celebration

The Islamic New Year, also known as Hijri New Year, is celebrated by Muslim communities around the world. The date of this annual event is determined by the Islamic lunar calendar, which is based on the cycles of the moon. The first month of the Islamic calendar is Muharram, and the first day of Muharram is considered the beginning of the new year.

The Islamic New Year 2024 is expected to take place on Wednesday, August 23, 2024. This date may vary slightly depending on the actual sighting of the new moon. The Islamic calendar is shorter than the Gregorian calendar, which is used in most parts of the world, so the date of the Islamic New Year moves back by approximately 11 days each year.

The Islamic New Year is a time for reflection and renewal. Muslims use this time to reflect on their past deeds and make resolutions for the coming year. It is also a time for remembrance of the Prophet Muhammad and his journey from Mecca to Medina, which is known as the Hijra.

Significance of the Islamic New Year

The Islamic New Year, also known as Hijri New Year, holds great significance for Muslims all around the world. It marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar and is celebrated on the first day of Muharram, the first month in the Islamic calendar.

According to Islamic tradition, the month of Muharram is a time of reflection and remembrance. It is believed that the Prophet Muhammad observed a fast on the 10th day of Muharram, known as Ashura, to commemorate the day that Moses and his followers were saved from Pharaoh in Egypt.

While the Islamic New Year is not celebrated as extravagantly as other Muslim holidays, such as Eid al-Fitr or Eid al-Adha, it is still an important time for Muslims to reflect on the past year and set goals for the coming year.

Many Muslims also use this time to perform acts of charity and kindness to others, as it is believed that doing so will bring blessings in the new year.

  • Reflect on the past: Many Muslims use the Islamic New Year as a time to reflect on their past actions and make amends where necessary.
  • Set goals for the future: Muslims often use this time to set new goals for themselves in the coming year, whether they be personal, spiritual, or professional.
  • Perform acts of charity: It is common for Muslims to give to charity during the month of Muharram and the Islamic New Year as a way to bring blessings into their lives.

Overall, the Islamic New Year is a time for Muslims to reflect, plan, and renew their commitment to their faith and ideals.

Traditions and Rituals

Islamic New Year is a time for reflection, prayer, and celebration. This day holds a great significance in the Islamic calendar and is observed with various traditions and rituals. Here are some of the most common traditions performed on this day:

  • Recitation of Quran: Muslims around the world recite the Holy Quran on the Islamic New Year as a way of seeking blessings and guidance for the upcoming year.
  • Fasting: Some Muslims choose to fast on the day of Islamic New Year to honor the occasion and seek divine blessings.
  • Charity: It is considered a virtuous act to give to charity on the day of Islamic New Year as a way of seeking Allah s blessings and forgiveness.
  • Visiting Graves: Some Muslims visit the graves of their loved ones on the day of Islamic New Year as a way of seeking Allah s mercy for the deceased.
  • Offering Prayers: Muslims offer special prayers on the day of Islamic New Year, which are typically held at mosques or community centers. These prayers are an opportunity to seek forgiveness for past sins and pray for a prosperous year ahead.

Overall, Islamic New Year is a time of joy and reflection for Muslims around the world. The above traditions and rituals help deepen one s faith and strengthen their relationship with Allah.


Вопрос: Какое число Исламского Нового Года наступит в 2024 году?

Исламский Новый Год называется «Хиджра» и основан на лунном календаре. В 2024 году Хиджра начнется вечером 31 августа и закончится 29 августа 2024 года.

Вопрос: Почему Исламский Новый Год начинается в разное время каждый год?

Исламский календарь основан на лунном цикле, который лидирует на 11 дней в год. Из-за этой разницы исламские праздники сдвигаются на 11 дней каждый год в сравнении с григорианским календарем.

Вопрос: В каких странах отмечается Исламский Новый Год?

Исламский Новый Год является праздником для мусульманских стран. Он отмечается вокруг мира, включая Иран, Ирак, Саудовскую Аравию, Объединенные Арабские Эмираты, Индонезию и другие.

Вопрос: Какие традиции связаны с Исламским Новым Годом?

В день Хиджры мусульмане обычно проводят специальные молитвы, слушают религиозные речи и проводят семейные праздники. Также многие подают милостыню и помогают нуждающимся в этот день.

Вопрос: Как связан Исламский Новый Год с историей ислама?

Хиджра отмечает начало миграции пророка Мухаммеда из Мекки в Медину, которое стало важным периодом в истории ислама. Это также обозначает начало календаря лунного года для мусульман.

Вопрос: Существуют ли какие-то особые поздравления на Исламский Новый Год?

Для Исламского Нового Года нет специфических поздравлений, но обычно мусульмане поздравляют друг друга с наступающим праздником и желают благополучия и процветания.

Вопрос: Какой номер Исламского Нового Года будет в 2024 году?

В 2024 году Исламскому Новому Году будет присвоен номер 1444 по исламскому календарю. Это связано с тем, что календарь начался с Хиджры в 622 году.