Ислам – это одна из самых распространенных религий в мире. Статья Ислам Как Мировая Религия Презентация расскажет о сущности и истории ислама, религиозных обрядах и правилах, а также о влиянии ислама на мировую культуру и историю. Эта информативная презентация поможет расширить знания о религии и ответить на многие вопросы, связанные с исламом.

The Growth of Islam

Islam has become one of the fastest-growing religions in the world with more than 1.8 billion followers, making it the second-largest religion globally. The religion originated in the Arabian Peninsula in the 7th century and spread rapidly across the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. In the modern era, Islam has continued to expand rapidly, with significant growth in Europe, North and South America, and Australia.

The Diversity of Islam

Islam is a religion that is rich in diversity, spanning over different cultures, languages, and ethnicities. The religion is practiced in different ways and has several sub-sects, including Sunni, Shia, and Sufism, among others. Each of these sub-sects has unique practices and beliefs, including different interpretations of the Quran, the holy book of Islam.

The Impact of Islam on Society

Islam has had a significant impact on societies globally. The religion has contributed immensely to various areas, including architecture, art, music, science, and medicine. Islamic scholars have made numerous contributions to knowledge, including in astronomy, mathematics, and philosophy, among others. Islam has also influenced social, political, and economic systems, shaping the values, beliefs, and practices of communities globally.


Islam is a global religion with a rich and diverse history spanning over 1,400 years. Today, it is the fastest growing religion in the world, with an estimated 1.8 billion followers. Islam is a way of life that encompasses all aspects of human existence, from personal beliefs and social customs to political and economic systems.

Islam was founded in the 7th century by the Prophet Muhammad, who received revelations from God through the angel Gabriel. These revelations, which are recorded in the Quran, form the basis of Islamic belief and practice. Muslims believe in one God and the prophethood of Muhammad, as well as in the importance of prayer, fasting, charity, and pilgrimage.

Islam has had a profound impact on world history, from its early conquests under the first caliphs to the rich intellectual and cultural achievements of the Islamic Golden Age. Today, Islam remains a major force in global affairs and a source of inspiration and guidance for millions of people around the world.

The Islamic Empire


The Islamic Empire, also known as the Islamic Caliphate, was one of the greatest empires that ever existed. It was founded by the Prophet Muhammad in the 7th century and lasted until the early 20th century. During its peak, the empire spanned across three continents and included some of the world s greatest cities such as Baghdad, Cairo, and Istanbul. This presentation will discuss the history, culture, and achievements of the Islamic Empire.


The Islamic Empire began with the migration of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina in 622 CE. He established the first Islamic state in Medina, which soon became a powerful force in the Arabian Peninsula. After the Prophet s death, his successors, known as caliphs, continued to expand the empire through conquest and conversion. The first four caliphs, also known as the Rashidun, were followed by the Umayyads, the Abbasids, and several other dynasties.


The Islamic Empire was known for its rich and diverse culture that included art, literature, music, and architecture. Islamic art, for example, was characterized by intricate geometric patterns, calligraphy, and decorative motifs. The empire also produced some of the greatest poets, philosophers, and scientists such as Rumi, Ibn Sina, and al-Khwarizmi. Finally, Islamic architecture was renowned for its grand mosques, palaces, and public buildings that featured domes, arches, and intricate carvings.


The Islamic Empire made significant contributions to human civilization in various fields such as mathematics, astronomy, medicine, and philosophy. Muslim scholars, for example, developed algebra, trigonometry, and other mathematical concepts that are still widely used today. They also made major advances in astronomy, such as developing the astrolabe, which helped sailors navigate the seas. Moreover, Islamic medicine was based on empirical observation and diagnosis, and many Muslim physicians wrote influential medical texts that influenced the development of modern medicine.

Some key Islamic figures and their contributions
Name Field Contribution
al-Khwarizmi Mathematics Developed algebra
Ibn Rushd (Averroes) Philosophy Interpretation of Aristotle
al-Maʿarri Literature Poetry and prose
Ibn Sina (Avicenna) Medicine The Canon of Medicine


The Islamic Empire was a remarkable civilization that continues to influence the world today. Its contributions to science, art, and philosophy have been vital to the development of modern civilization. Furthermore, its legacy has informed the development of the Islamic faith, and its history remains a source of pride and inspiration for Muslims around the world.

The diversity of Islam

Islam is known for its diversity, both in terms of its followers and its practices. The religion has more than a billion adherents across the globe, with followers hailing from a variety of racial, ethnic, and linguistic backgrounds.

Within the religion, there are also numerous sects and schools of thought, each with their own interpretation of Islamic teachings and practices. Some of the major sects include Sunni and Shia, while different schools of thought include Hanafi, Malik, Shafi i, and Hanbali.

The geographic and cultural diversity of Islam can also be seen in the ways in which it is practiced. In some countries, Islam is deeply intertwined with local customs and traditions. For example, in parts of Southeast Asia, Islam has been heavily influenced by pre-existing animist beliefs and practices.

Despite this diversity, there are certain foundational beliefs and practices that unite the Islamic community. These include the belief in one God, the centrality of the Qur an, and the importance of the five pillars of Islam: declaration of faith, prayer, charity, fasting, and pilgrimage.

Common Islamic Sects Common Schools of Thought
Sunni Hanafi
Shia Malik
Ahmadiyya Shafi i
Sufi Hanbali


Вопрос: Каковы основные учения ислама?

Основными учениями ислама являются Единобожие (вера в единство Бога), признание пророка Мухаммада и призыв к исполнению пяти обязательных религиозных действий: шахада (свидетельство), салат (молитва), закят (выплата пошлины на нужды бедных), саум (пост) и хадж (паломничество в Мекку).

Вопрос: Какова история возникновения ислама?

Ислам возник в 7 веке на Аравийском полуострове благодаря пророку Мухаммаду. По преданию, Бог через архангела Гавриила ему открыл свои тайны и поручил проповедовать новую религию народу.

Вопрос: В чем отличие ислама от других мировых религий?

В отличие от христианства и иудаизма, ислам признается многими как более жестко регламентируемая религия, которая требует строгое соблюдение ритуалов и учений. Однако в целом все мировые религии имеют много общего в своих основных принципах и ценностях.

Вопрос: Какова роль женщин в исламе?

Женщины в исламе традиционно имеют меньше прав, чем мужчины. Однако, несмотря на это, они играют важную роль в семейной жизни и в сообществе. Многие мусульманские женщины занимаются образованием и культурной деятельностью, а также работают в различных сферах экономики и науки.

Вопрос: Какие страны имеют большинство мусульманского населения?

Большинство мусульман живут во многих странах Азии и Африки, таких как Индонезия, Пакистан, Бангладеш, Египет, Нигерия, Иран, Турция и многих других. Также есть значительное количество мусульман в европейских странах, таких как Франция, Германия, Великобритания.

Вопрос: Каковы основные направления в исламе?

В исламе существует несколько направлений, таких как суннизм, шиизм, суфизм, алеевизм, друзизм и другие. Каждое из этих направлений имеет свои особенности в обрядах и толковании религиозных текстов, но основные учения неизменны.

Вопрос: Как ислам влияет на мировую культуру и искусство?

Ислам имеет значительное влияние на культуру и искусство многих стран, таких как Иран, особенно в период царствования династии Сафаев, Саудовская Аравия, Индия и многие другие. Исламское искусство отличается своей уникальностью и красотой, включая архитектуру, живопись, скульптуру, рукоделие и декоративное искусство.